Sunday, January 29, 2006
An open letter to Cindy "Look at me!" Sheehan
Excerpted from an article on Moorewatch:
Letter to Cindy 01/08/06
Aloha Cindy!
I saw you speak at the Church of the Crossroads last week. Very interesting. Especially how you blamed President Bush for the bombings of the train in Madrid and the bombings in London. There were no logical connections made in your speech, but still pretty slick nonetheless. I thought it was also rather interesting that they werent allowing any questions after your speech. I came prepared with a mini digital camcorder and recorded your little performance. I tried to ask you a few questions while you were signing books, but I was asked to leave. Unlike you and your allies, I have manners and decided not to make a scene. However, in the interest of fairness, I thought I would give you the opportunity to answer the questions I had for you. Now given that you call Bush a “coward” for not answering YOUR questions, I sincerely hope that you will have more courage and actually answer MY questions!
1. Now that you are divorced and apparently without employment, who specifically pays for all your expenses? (I’m guessing George Soros and partners, but I’m sure a smart woman like you can tell me who is footing your bills)
2. I did some research and discovered that you are now being supported (possibly sponsored) by groups like stormfront and altermedia. Both racist groups with ties to the Neo Nazi party and the KKK. In fact, you have been photographed with David Duke, a well known member of the KKK and an antisemite. I would like to know first if you think Casey would be proud of you consorting with racists and hate mongers and have they influenced your antisemitic statements and beliefs against Israelis?
3. During the “rally” at the Church of the Crossroads, you mentioned in passing that you have four other children. Who plays mother for them while you are off traveling the globe? And also, have you pretty much written them off since they offer nothing to advance your political agenda?
4. You spoke at a rally last summer in San Francisco that was organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Does this mean that you are now a communist or that you support communism? Do you believe Casey would support this and would be proud of you embracing communism since he was, as you claim, a “patriot”?
5. Last December you made friends with Hasan Zerqoni Hashin, spokesman for Muqtaden al-Sadr while visiting London. It was Muqtaden al-Sadr’s men who killed your son. How do you think Casey would feel if he knew that you were getting chummy with the man who had him killed?
6. You also spoke at a rally last April for Lynne Stewart, a lawyer who was convicted of aiding and abetting Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a terrorist connected with the first WTC bombings in 1993. How would you explain this kind of support to the families who lost loved ones in that bombing? Or does your “moral authority” place you above that kind of responsibility for your actions?
Again, I sincerely hope that you will have the courage to answer MY questions and maybe you can use it as an example for the kind of courage you think our President lacks.
Love and Aloha, Shawn Lathrop
After a follow up letter, I still haven’t received a response from her. Maybe she ain’t so courageous after all!
Letter to Cindy 01/08/06
Aloha Cindy!
I saw you speak at the Church of the Crossroads last week. Very interesting. Especially how you blamed President Bush for the bombings of the train in Madrid and the bombings in London. There were no logical connections made in your speech, but still pretty slick nonetheless. I thought it was also rather interesting that they werent allowing any questions after your speech. I came prepared with a mini digital camcorder and recorded your little performance. I tried to ask you a few questions while you were signing books, but I was asked to leave. Unlike you and your allies, I have manners and decided not to make a scene. However, in the interest of fairness, I thought I would give you the opportunity to answer the questions I had for you. Now given that you call Bush a “coward” for not answering YOUR questions, I sincerely hope that you will have more courage and actually answer MY questions!
1. Now that you are divorced and apparently without employment, who specifically pays for all your expenses? (I’m guessing George Soros and partners, but I’m sure a smart woman like you can tell me who is footing your bills)
2. I did some research and discovered that you are now being supported (possibly sponsored) by groups like stormfront and altermedia. Both racist groups with ties to the Neo Nazi party and the KKK. In fact, you have been photographed with David Duke, a well known member of the KKK and an antisemite. I would like to know first if you think Casey would be proud of you consorting with racists and hate mongers and have they influenced your antisemitic statements and beliefs against Israelis?
3. During the “rally” at the Church of the Crossroads, you mentioned in passing that you have four other children. Who plays mother for them while you are off traveling the globe? And also, have you pretty much written them off since they offer nothing to advance your political agenda?
4. You spoke at a rally last summer in San Francisco that was organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Does this mean that you are now a communist or that you support communism? Do you believe Casey would support this and would be proud of you embracing communism since he was, as you claim, a “patriot”?
5. Last December you made friends with Hasan Zerqoni Hashin, spokesman for Muqtaden al-Sadr while visiting London. It was Muqtaden al-Sadr’s men who killed your son. How do you think Casey would feel if he knew that you were getting chummy with the man who had him killed?
6. You also spoke at a rally last April for Lynne Stewart, a lawyer who was convicted of aiding and abetting Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a terrorist connected with the first WTC bombings in 1993. How would you explain this kind of support to the families who lost loved ones in that bombing? Or does your “moral authority” place you above that kind of responsibility for your actions?
Again, I sincerely hope that you will have the courage to answer MY questions and maybe you can use it as an example for the kind of courage you think our President lacks.
Love and Aloha, Shawn Lathrop
After a follow up letter, I still haven’t received a response from her. Maybe she ain’t so courageous after all!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A chocolate city
Monday, January 16, 2006
We have a long way to go?!?
Well, today is MLK day. One grows tired of hearing all of these pundits saying, "Dr. King would like what he sees, but he would say that we still have a ways to go."
Go where?
First of all, how much more can we give the blacks? It is not my fault that supposedly 1/3 of them live below poverty. It's called "get a J...O...B." Quit doing drugs. Quit spreading your legs and punching out kids. Stay in school.
Organisations such as the NAACP want more than just equality. Those living off the government don't take responsibility for their own actions. Colleges can select a student based on race, giving the black student, who may be less qualified, an unfair advantage. Blacks want more people in control of media, business, and politics.
Some of the most racist people I've ever met were black.
We have a beauty pageant around called "Little Miss Black and Beautiful." What if we had a pageant called Little Miss White and Beautiful. The blacks would call it racist.
Blacks say the NAACP is not racist, but the NAAWP is.
A blacks-only club is fine. A whites-only club is racist.
A black officer who shoots a white man is doing his job. A white officer who shoots a black man is racist.
A stand-up comedian who pokes fun at white people is funny and hip. A white comedian who pokes fun at black people is racist.
An all-black TV show is progressive. An all-white TV show is racist.
Yes, we have a long way to go. We have a long way to go before the blacks in this country understand that they are not entitled to things any more than anybody else.
Go where?
First of all, how much more can we give the blacks? It is not my fault that supposedly 1/3 of them live below poverty. It's called "get a J...O...B." Quit doing drugs. Quit spreading your legs and punching out kids. Stay in school.
Organisations such as the NAACP want more than just equality. Those living off the government don't take responsibility for their own actions. Colleges can select a student based on race, giving the black student, who may be less qualified, an unfair advantage. Blacks want more people in control of media, business, and politics.
Some of the most racist people I've ever met were black.
We have a beauty pageant around called "Little Miss Black and Beautiful." What if we had a pageant called Little Miss White and Beautiful. The blacks would call it racist.
Blacks say the NAACP is not racist, but the NAAWP is.
A blacks-only club is fine. A whites-only club is racist.
A black officer who shoots a white man is doing his job. A white officer who shoots a black man is racist.
A stand-up comedian who pokes fun at white people is funny and hip. A white comedian who pokes fun at black people is racist.
An all-black TV show is progressive. An all-white TV show is racist.
Yes, we have a long way to go. We have a long way to go before the blacks in this country understand that they are not entitled to things any more than anybody else.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Allah ha ha ha hahahahaha
Some people should just drown themselves

So I'm standing in line at the post office so I can purchase some 2-cent stamps, since our esteemed US Postal Service has raised our rates again. There is this woman in front of me who also wished to purchase some two cent stamps. She gets to the teller and asks for ten 2-cent stamps, for a grand total of 20 cents. The teller tells the lady that there are no 2-cent stamps anywhere in the county. This causes our lady (who must be a military officer's wife, based on the 'tude she then displayed. Many of these chicks go around thinking the universe revolves around them and that everybody should bow to their wishes. I've lived around the military all my life, and military officer wives are the worst.) to take a deep breath and grouse about how incompetent the Postal Service is, and how this is just more evidence about how crummy the government is, blah, blah, blah...The teller says that she can purchase 10 3-cent stamps, instead. Let's do the math here: Granted, this is a 50% increase in cost, but that cost would result in an outlandish expenditure of 30 cents! What does our self-important wench do? She says that she is not going to purchase 3-cent stamps, because she doesn't need 3-cent stamps, and that she will return to the post office next week to purchase some 2-cent stamps, and she storms out. I watched her climb into a Chevy Suburban and nearly crash into another vehicle as she tried to maneuver her too-big-for-her truck out of her parking space while grousing to somebody through the cellular stuck to her ear. Let's do the math here: It would have cost her 10 more cents than what she planned to spend if she had bought the stamps. She used more than 10 cents in gasoline just to start her truck and get out of the parking lot! And she is going to come back next week! (More gas!!!). One could argue that she didn't buy the 3-cent stamps out of principle, but I would argue that she was just a dumbass. I imagine she is one of those people who will burn an extra half-gallon of gas driving around to find gasoline that is a penny cheaper.
I purchased 10 3-cent stamps :-)
The world is changing...
The various news sources have been covering almost ad nauseum a news story that looks like it will have significant social and political ramifications...NOT! Give it a break, people!
Does anybody really give a shit that Angelina Jolie is pregnant?
Does anybody really give a shit that Angelina Jolie is pregnant?
Friday, January 06, 2006
Another commentary about gun control

I found this at Moorewatch. I appreciate satire and irony:
Once again we see the media fabricating the news.
Former District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry was robbed at gunpoint at his Southeast apartment by some youths who had helped him carry his groceries.
Barry, who wasn’t injured in the Monday night robbery, said he gave the youths a couple of dollars for helping unload groceries from his car and they left. They returned, however, and after Barry let them inside his Douglas Place apartment, they pointed a gun at his head and took his wallet, which contained cash and credit cards.
“Obviously, I’m traumatized. To have a pistol cocked in your face is not something you cannot feel emotional about,” Barry said.
Do you know how I know this story was fabricated? Because Washington DC has the toughest gun control standards in the United States. And as any good liberal can tell you, when you enact draconian gun control laws, it means that criminals cannot get guns. So there is no way, logically, that this incident could have ever taken place.
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