Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers Day

I have a confession. I used to hate kids. I looked upon them as life-sucking little linoleum lizards who were a financial drain and ruined your life.

Then, in 2000, I became a father. I never really understood unconditional love until the moment I first held my son. From that moment, I knew that I would kill to protect him, and would die to save him. I gained a whole new perspective with children. I actually miss waking up on the middle of the night to make formula, or changing messy diapers, or giving little baby baths. I found every moment spent with my son was not a wasted moment, but a cherished one. He didn't ruin my life; he defined it. He showed me that there is always a way for anything to improve; I thought my life was complete. I had a career job, good health, food on the table and roof over my head, and a loving, beautiful wife. I thought I was complete, but my son completed me even more.

He is now four years old. He loves Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, and loves to play swordfighting and guns. Every day in the yard is a mini safari, hunting for bugs, frogs, and lizards to hold in temporary captivity. I look forward to each and every day with him.

So, to all you fathers out there, biological, step, or surrogate, I tip my hat to you and hope that you will be the best father that you can be for your little ones.

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