Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cable a la carte

My monthly cable bill, along with cable Internet, costs me nearly $100 a month. I get approximately 70 different channels, all without the need of a converter box (I despise having to use a converter box). Of those 70 channels, how many do you suppose that I watch? Let's see: I need one ABC, one NBC, one CBS, and one Fox channel. In addition, I frequently watch The Weather Channel, Sci-Fi (just one show there: Battlestar Galactica), FX, History (Hitler channel: All Nazis, all the time!), ESPN, and sometimes Spike TV for some mind-numbing fun. That's not very many. Why, oh why, does my bill have to subsidize the local cable broadcasting of spanish-speaking channels? I have three spanish channels, and I despise the very fact that I don't have the option of not having to pay for those channels (don't be fooled: Your cable bill goes towards the survival of every cable-only channel you receive). I don't want to see spanish tv, and definitely don't want to learn how to speak spanish. I've programmed those three stations out of my remote, but I'm still paying for them. I have three bible-thumper channels: Not much use for them. The Golf Channel? Are you shitting me? Watching grass grow is more exciting than watching golf. Plus, I get several man-haters channels, with the typical story of woman who is beaten/killed/wronged/raped/abused/neglected by some guy, but she then recovers and discovers new guy who is perfect but there is a bump in the road of their relationship but in the end they get together.

MTV? Crap. VH1? Ditto. CMT? Sorry, I don't have a sister to fornicate with. BET? Please!

We should be allowed to purchase individual channels a la carte. At the current cost per channel, each channel would cost about $1.33. I would have about 15 channels that I would select (I would even suffer through a converter box if this was made possible), and would not be subsidizing the local Hispanic community's desire to see Telemundo.

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