Sunday, January 27, 2008

I love roadside attorneys

So, the WBC was here, and I had to leave my vacation early to deal with it. I was tasked with being the on-scene command officer directly between the demonstrators and the counter-demonstrators. A few observations come to mind:

First, the fat tub of shit who was apparently a self-proclaimed expert in laws who wanted to debate with me about state law: Yes, I am aware that NC law says it is a misdemeanor to desecrate the US or NC flags. No, I am not going to charge any of the WBC wackos with this statute. Why? Because the "abuse" of the US Flag is Constitutionally protected speech. This has been proven before in flag burning cases. I'm not going to satisfy your rabble rousing, mis-guided passions in a brief display of police powers. If you've ever eaten out your wife, or received a blow job, or used a dildo (you or her), or butt-fucked your gay lover, then you have committed felonies and need to turn yourself in! What about it, Pork? Some laws are there that are unenforceable. There are others if you read through the books...

Second, if you are a counter-protestor, it would help if you didn't look and speak like you were a founding member of the concept of trailer trash. Yelling personal attacks and flipping the single digit salute does not demonstrate a high level of intelligence.

Third: I love the military, and as a student of military history, I have a great understanding of the sacrifices and heroism of the American Fighting Man. That being said, don't climb off your Harley and approach me in your "I-don't-ever-bathe-but-instead-cover-my-body-odor-with-leather" garments and make the proclamation, "I fought for their freedom in Viet Nam so that they have the right to do that!" Uhh,...err...I'm not aware of the sovereignty of the United States ever being seriously threatened by the Vietnamese (or by an Iraqi, since we have a lot of bumper stickers around proclaiming "My daddy fights for our freedom in Iraq.").

Fourth: The 50 or so people who counter protested, and the media people who arrived, did nothing but reinforce the WBC's efforts. They feed off the attention.

Fifth: This is directed to the motorists who felt it necessary to slow down and flip the bird with shouts of "fuck you." Do you feel better? Did that make you feel like a big man?

Ok, got it off my chest.

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