$6 Billion To Train People To Volunteer?
Obama wants a civilian security force as powerful as the Department of Defense.
By TVC Executive Director Andrea LaffertyMarch 26, 2009 – When President Barack Hussein Obama campaigned for the White House, he promised he would establish a civilian security force that would be as fully-funded as the Department of Defense.
Here is what he promised during a speech in Colorado Springs on July 2, 2008:
We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Obama wants a civilian security force as powerful and as well-funded as the Department of Defense? Would that include giving this security force weapons – like rifles, helicopters, and missile launchers?
The groundwork for this civilian army controlled by Obama was accomplished in the Senate on March 25. The Obama-compliant U.S. Senate passed the Serve America Act (S. 3487), which is being portrayed as a way of encouraging volunteerism in America. It is sponsored by extreme liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA).
This bill creates a National Service Reserve Corps that allegedly is only for aiding in national disasters and other emergencies. It will use colleges and universities as bases of operation for training students to “serve” their communities.
S. 3487 will use these volunteers to assist non-profits, faith-based groups and other civic organizations to improve “the capacity of such organizations.” In other words, to help liberal nonprofits to promote Obama’s social agenda.
Obama supporters in Alabama are campaigning throughout Birmingham for passage of Obama’s $9.3 trillion dollar spending binge. The organizers are part of Organizing for America. A leader of this group is Chris DeHaven. He told his volunteers: “We’re looking for supporters. We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”
It appears that Obama and his lockstep Congress have given DeHaven the uniformed army he wants.
House Version For Civilian Security Army
The House also passed H.R. 1388. This is worse than the Senate version. If elements of this bill are added to the Senate version, it will give Obama the basis for creating his civilian security force – a Brown Shirts army.
The House legislation reauthorizes the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.
H.R. 1388’s official title is: “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism And Education Act (GIVE Act).
H.R. 1388 authorizes new studies and programs with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Think of it: $6 billion to train people to volunteer.
The legislation appears to be laying the ground work for Obama’s goal of having 250,000 “volunteers” who will engage in community involvement activities.
In fact, Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel may have laid the groundwork for this civilian security force. In 2006, Emanuel wrote a book called The Plan. On pages 60-65, he calls for universal conscription of 18-25 year olds for civilian service! “All Americans between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic training, civil defense preparation and community service.”
H.R. 1388 discusses “volunteerism” but also indicates that there might be mandatory participation in these activities. It states “if all individuals in the United States were expected to perform national service or were required to perform a certain amount of national service.” This requirement, “would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”
These conscripts or “volunteers” would be:
… grouped together as appropriate in campuses for operational, support, and boarding purposes. The Corps campus for a unit shall be in a facility or central location established as the operational headquarters and boarding place for the unit. … There shall be a superintendent for each camp."
The legislation also refers to these volunteers wearing “uniforms” and discusses the need for a public service academy – a four-year institution that would train “public sector leaders.”
Under Subtitle E – The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), this bill sets up a residential community service program for young adults ages 14-24. It requires that at least 50% of the participants be disadvantaged youth from ethnically diverse backgrounds.
H.R. 1388 will establish an army of uniformed “volunteers” or conscripts, who will engage in public sector work. These uniformed Obamunists would be used for “pressing national and local challenges.” What would those be? Going house to house to confiscate guns? Tracking down individuals accused of hate speech? Rounding up “volunteers” to be put into labor camps?
Would these Obama Brown Shirts* look like the young teenagers who marched into a classroom chanting “Alpha and Omega” and describing how Obama was going to transform their lives?
This army of 250,000 uniformed “volunteers” could be used to intimidate anyone opposed to Obama’s socialist agenda.
*Hitler’s Brown Shirts (Sturmabteilung – SA) was founded by Adolf Hitler in 1921. Members of the Brown Shirts were disadvantaged youth. From 1931, the Brown Shirts was operated by Ernst Rohm, an anti-capitalist. By 1933, the Brown Shirts numbered 2 million – twice the size of the German Army. It was Rohm’s idea that the Brown Shirts should be as strong as the Army and the Nazi Party. That sort of sounds like Obama’s desire to have a civilian security force that will be as powerful as the Department of Defense.
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