Sunday, October 22, 2006

The American Dream

So, the cable company told me that cable is a no-go for where I'm at. That left Satellite Internet through HughesNet. Now, I'm talking to the DirectTV guy, and he says that even with the special package offer and discounts, that they will require over $300 just for set-up fees, plus my credit card so HughesNet can do automatic credit card charges. Bullshit!! First, if I'm trying to purchase your product for an extended period of time (such as cable, satellite, or Internet), then I shouldn't have to front up some money. Second, nobody-and I mean Nobody!-gets a free shot at charging my credit card each month. So, I voice my displeasure with the DirectTV guy, and he then goes Sotto Voce and tells me that hang in there for a couple of months, since DirectTV was probably going to get into the satellite Internet business pretty soon, and it would be a heck of a lot cheaper that Hughes-stick-it-in-your-ass-Net.

Anyway, yesterday I had an almost totally perfect day. I woke up in my own bed, in my own home, on my own piece of land. I turned on my own TV to listen to the news, fixed a hot cup of coffee, and got my newspaper out of the paper box in my front yard. As I walked out to retrieve my paper, I could see the first rays of sunlight, and the early birds chirping. I walked past my own vehicle and across my own lawn and back. I had breakfast and worked in my workshop for several hours on some models. I did some easy yard work, watched TV, and read some magazines. I carved two pumpkins for my son. Later, I threw some chops on the grill, along with some corn on the cob and asparagus. Afterwards, I took a hot shower and relaxed on my couch. This, my friends, is the American Dream.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


OMFG! Dial-up really sucks. I am in a location where I am too far away from the cable lines and too far away from the nearest DSL node. Therefore, I am stuck using my back-up dial-up connection that I've always had. It looks like the only option I will have for broadband is satellite, which I've not heard good things about. I harrassed my local cable company to come out and do a study, and they did. I'll know the answer to whether they will come out my way next week.