Thursday, September 22, 2005


Look. Another dick-stompin' hurricane bears down on the United States. Rita is as big and as nasty as Katrina, and it is headed for areas as heavily populated as New Orleans. But wait! What's this? People in Texas are leaving! They learned from that clusterfuck in New Orleans that they needed to leave. None of that I'm-on-welfare-and-living-in-subsidized-government housing-so-I'll-just-continue-letting-the-government-babysit-me problems. No mayor trying to push the blame on other people because of piss-poor planning.

Naturally, the better planning done by Texas will be twisted by the Democrats, liberals, and NAACP (one of the biggest racist organizations out there) into a race/politics issue, because it was Bush's fault that Katrina formed and hit The Big Easy.

Watch and see...

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