Sunday, April 08, 2007

So the weather gets warm, and I open up the windows. Then the pollen starts, and it becomes the worst pollen allergy season I've ever endured, so the windows get closed, and the a/c gets turned on, and I turn off the gas log pilot light. Then the weather gets so cold, we set record lows, and the gas logs won't come back on because something is blocking the line! In addition, the shoots of zucchini squash, vine tomatoes, and snow peas all die despite my best efforts when the air around the garden drops to 24 freakin' degrees!

Anyway, work progresses on the house. I booted the 18 year old out of the house when he felt like he should be able to do whatever he wants, so we are converting his room into an office. The painting is finally complete, so now we have to move the computer desk and purchase additional furniture for the room.

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