Saturday, April 30, 2005

So, she got cold feet!

How nice. Jennifer Wilbanks got cold feet and hopped on a bus to cross the country to think about her pending marriage. Meanwhile, her fiance and family worried. Clearly, you should not get married unless you are really sure that is what you want to do. But this woman knew she was being looked for, and still kept quiet until she got to the western states. Hello!!! Jennifer!?! Do you know how much tax money you pissed away because of your little problem? Look at the worrying the families suffered. Look at the hundreds of man-hours wasted by all of the officers and other search-and-rescue people. You concocted a story and lied to police. And now I hear that Georgia authorities aren't going to press any charges against you (like filing a freakin' false police report). I hear that 600 people had come to Atlanta to see your wedding. You should be made to apologize to each and every one. And you should be sued to foot the bill for all of the overtime and resources spent on your whiny ass. You got your 15 minutes of fame. Now, it's time for you to pay for it.

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