Friday, April 15, 2005

This is new

I have seen many blogs on the 'net, and I have been hesitant about doing what is essentially an on-line diary. People will blog about anything, so I finally figured that there are people out there who are like me, who think like me, and want to know what somebody like me really thinks.

I am in my 30's, married, with a 4-yr-old boy. I work as a supervisor with a medium-sized police department. My hobbies are building models and reading. I am a registered Republican, I have conservative views, and think that Ted Kennedy and Michael Moore are asshats.

I hope to keep those interested updated on my life and my perspective on things. Some of my views may anger you; such is our society that we are allowed to have and voice such views. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.

Interesting note for today: Three days ago I had my A/C on to keep cool. Tonight it is getting into the high 30's. My pollen allergies are raging! The recent cool weather trend is playing hell on my tomato plants.

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