Wednesday, March 19, 2008

screw golfers

Two recent events in the area prompts me to comment. Recently, we had a man - a construction worker from out of town doing work on a new hotel being built - who was found murdered in his work vehicle on a dead-end residential street. Somebody put a bullet through his body and murdered him. Whether it was over drugs, a robbery, or a lovers' quarrel is irrelevant; sombody was murdered. A day or two later, somebody drove around the local country club in a golf cart and did damage to the greens, allegedly in the area of several thousand dollars. We have the Crimestoppers program here. If you are not familiar with it, it is a program in which people can report criminal happenings and get rewarded with cash, all while staying anonymous. Crimestoppers works. The biggest problem we have with our program is that it is being headed by a man who apparently holds himself in very high regard. Nobody really cares that he sat on the civilian panel that eventually hired the current chief of police!

Anyway, Crimestoppers put out a reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons who murdered the construction worker, and the reward was in the amount of $2500. A day or two later, Crimestoppers put another add in the local paper giving out a cash reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for damaging the country club's golf greens. The amount? $2500. Let that sink in for a minute: In my eyes, this tells me that the self-important individuals who have their hands in the Crimestoppers money feel that the mere damaging of golf greens and a human life are equal, and both warrant an equal cash value. Of course, the same person who heads the Crimestoppers is friends with all of the self-important types who golf at the country club, including council members, mayor, and others who are considered to be high ranking on the social-political scale.

I think the money holders who run the Crimestoppers owe us an explanation of how the murder of a human being and damaging some freakin' grass at the country club are equals!!

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